7/2/2013 |
Ok... believe it or not... (and given the track record, I'll forgive you if it's "not"...) Wendy's World will be returning to active publication this Summer, starting in the middle of August. The story will be picking up pretty much where it left off, with the same characters as before, with a little bit of a jump-start at the beginning to get us all moving again. Before then, I'll be posting another note or two about where things went in the writing and production process, so that you at least have some sense of where the year and a half went. Thank you soooooo much for sticking around, and keeping touch. I can't even begin to describe how appreciative I am that you are all still here, waiting patiently on the off chance that Wendy and her friends (and foes) would come back. I'm hopeful I will make that wait worthwhile. See you in a few weeks! |
1/2/2012 |
Happy New Year, gang - vacation time comes to an end today with piles of stuff yet to do, and I'm going to postpone one more week to catch my breath before getting back to Wendy and her crew. See you in seven! |
12/26/2011 |
Happy holidays, one and all - I'm taking a break this week to catch up on domestic stuff. We'll pick up the story next week! |
12/5/2011 |
Yay! Two weeks in a row! I'm getting back into gear, and it feels like I'll have no trouble keeping up the pace now that the story is back to telling itself, so you can expect a new scene every Monday for sure. I may even throw in some extra stuff, because there are a couple of back stories that need to be aired out... so stay tuned, and be there or be square, kimosabe! |
11/28/2011 |
Ok, the ball is rolling at last. I know it's a small bite after such a long fast, but things will continue to pick up pace now that it's moving again. And I do have some twists and turns coming, so please do stay tuned! On that account, you will kindly bear with me as I maintain the output here as a weekly episode, at least for the next few months, which I will have a much easier time sustaining with regularity - so look forward to seeing a new scene every Monday for the duration, and thanks again as always for your continued support... |
11/23/2011 |
Yay! Wendy's World is gearing up for a return - our next episode is scheduled for publication on 11/28/2011, more info on that over the weekend... in the mean time... A happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends, and wishes of goodwill for the season to the rest of the world. We may have all sorts of troubles, but if we keep hope alive then tomorrow can be a better day! |
11/1/2011 |
Hi! Bet you were beginning to wonder if the story was ever going to get moving again... Well, the short answer to that question is a resounding "YES!", as I get back into writing/rendering mode over the next few weeks, and my expectation is that by Thanksgiving week (that's the third week of November, for that majority of you outside the USA) I'll be ready to start publishing again. Be there or be square, kimosabe! |
7/28/2011 |
Summer distractions have become overwhelming. Please stay tuned, we'll be back soon. |
6/20/2011 |
The better part of valor dictates that I concede to reality - I'm working the Main Stage in Second Life's 8th Birthday celebration this week, and I'm not going to have time to work on anything else until Thursday - so you'll have some time to catch up, if you're behind, and then we'll get back in gear for Friday, going into the weekend. |
6/20/2011 |
Another schedule slip, but we should be back on track 6/21 with the next scene. Thanks again for your patience and support. |
6/15/2011 |
Due to technical issues, the next scene will appear tomorrow, 6/16/2011. Thanks for your patience. |
6/11/2011 |
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Ok, I'm ready to make an official change in the schedule. For two months I've been trying hard to get Wendy out as a daily, and I think I've been pretty good about it - but, as you've seen, every couple of weeks I slip a gear and lose a day or two.
So now I'm going to face the reality of things and state that from this point forward, Wendy's World will be published Sunday through Friday, with Saturday as a quiet day. That'll give me a chance to catch my breath at the end of each week. The next scene will appear tomorrow, when we'll start this new six-times-weekly schedule. Thanks again for your continued support! |
6/5/2011 |
I'm going to take an extra day to get Chapter 3 started, so the next scene will be up tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and continued support - don't forget to vote! |
6/1/2011 |
Wow! See that "Vote" button up there? That's a link to the Top WebComics web site page where you can vote for Wendy's World to help us compete against - dare I say it - THOUSANDS of other web comics! Last month, from a standing start, we ended up ranked in the mid 600's. This month, we're already half the way further up the ladder! Can we break into the top 100? I think yes, but it takes your vote to make it happen! You can vote once a day, and to make it easy I've put the button at the top of every day's episode - so just click on it after you've gotten your daily dose of Wendy & Co., and then vote to move us up! It's an easy way to get Wendy's World a little recognition in a sea of competition... Thanks!!! |
5/31/2011 |
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I need to take a break today... we'll pick up the story for the push to the end of Act 2 tomorrrow! Thanks again for your patience and support... |
5/22/2011 |
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Sorry for the delay - ran into some technical difficulties along the way today and it just got too late to finish. We'll be back on track tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and support! |
5/18/2011 |
Wow, I thought they'd second guess it, but nope - they got in the '36 Chevy and are driving off to Buffalo to meet Tony. I know it's a truism, but it was all leading up to, well, this. I'm really having a good time watching these four, and I sure hope you are too - please do drop a message in Facebook, and be sure to vote every day at topwebcomics.com! (I'll be putting the voting link up at the top of each page soon, but for now you can find it right on this one...) You know the score - the next scene is coming in a few hours, so... be there or be square, kimosabe! |
5/10/2011 |
Yeah, last night I went through and let System Mechanic (by Iolo, highly endorsed by yours truly) do a complete defrag and file realignment of the drives, because the load and save times on the rendering files was pushing up into the 15-20 minute range. They are now back down to the 30-90 seconds that they should be, and I won't let it get that bad again, I promise! Anyway, the next installment will be up promptly tomorrow in the wee hours... |
5/8/2011 |
Sorry for the delay - drive alignment is taking longer than expected. |
5/6/2011 - Ch-ch-ch-changes |
Thank you to those who have been following this story so far. |
Yesterday's scene was the final one for the first act. I'm still working out how to deal with the "scenes", "chapters", etc. - I confess I started this with a completely different intent than the direction in which the characters took me, so a lot of it is being played as it lies. I hope you'll bear with me. |
Now, today marks a watershed, as you'll see - Wendy's World is taking a quick leap to v2.0 - and I am sure there will be at least a few of you who are unhappy with the change in style. Again, I hope you'll grant me your patience and stick with it, because I think you'll be rewarded for it in the long run. |
(Otherwise, I promise you I wouldn't be doing it. ;) I'm not one to take on extra work just for the sake of labor.) |
So... sit back, clear your minds, and approach today's "break" without prejudice. If you need to rant, please feel free to do so. If you happen to *like* the change, I'll be very happy to hear that too.... |
4/11/2011 - Introductions |
Welcome to Wendy's World. This web comic is the end result of an itch that needed scratching, starting about two years ago. It finally got too itchy to ignore, and so here we are. |
There's a little bit of me in each of these characters, so there's no point in trying to figure out with which one I identify most. I hope you find a little bit of you in one or more of them, too... |