Wendy Peterson is an idealist. She writes articles for the progressive non-profit magazine "People Power". In her mid-20s, Wendy thinks she might like her co-worker, Roger... |
Chip Chamberlin is the son of a rich industrialist, and works at "People Power" mostly to irk his father. He's very smart, very self-centered, and very smooth. He sees Wendy as a conquest. |
Milton Steiner is the editor, publisher and owner of "People Power". An activist in the 60's anti-war/anti-establishment movement and a veteran of many lost causes, he struggles to keep his magazine afloat with only public contributions. |
Roger Farnsworth is a bit of a jock, a bit of a geek, and all heart. He also writes at "People Power", as well as manages its small network of cranky computers. Roger is in his early 20s, fresh out of college where he played baseball, and he's got a crush on his co-worker, Brenda, whom he helped to get hired... |
Brenda Bertanelli was a cheerleader in college, majoring in media arts and fashion studies. Roger was fixated on her during their time there together, and when Brenda graduated he helped to get her a job at "People Power" even though she was completely unqualified and somewhat uninterested in causes of any sort. Once there, she immediately developed a huge crush on Chip... |
Mr. Abrams is an employee of Chamberlin Enterprises. Working directly for Wesley Chamberlin, his primary assignment is that of bodyguard to Chamberlin's daughter, Anastasia. |
Mr. Berkowitz is an employee of Chamberlin Enterprises. He is assigned to Anastasia Chamberlin as her personal assistant. |
Anastasia Chamberlin, daughter of Wesley Chamberlin, Chip's older sister. "Nasty" is a graduate of Yale Law School, a black belt in multiple martial arts styles, a crack shot with both pistol and rifle (and licensed to carry concealed), as well as a master of seven languages. Anastasia works for Chamberlin Enterprises as Director of Legal Services and Media Relations. |
Tony Hamilton went to school with Roger and Brenda, and graduated at the top of his class. A true genius of electrical engineering and computer software design, he has since become a freelance consultant for some very interesting clients... |
Wesley Chamberlin's family tree traces back to the Mayflower, and his wealth comes from the accumulated inheritance of ten generations. He is one of the richest and most powerful capitalists on the planet, a titan of industry ruling over an economic empire that spans the globe. He is also the father of Anastasia and Chip. |
Elizabeth Bertanelli, Brenda's mother, was a professor of clinical psychology until her husband passed away. After that, she went into practical application of her field of study, working as an inner-city social worker. |
Gabriel White, a veteran of 16 years of covert operations in Viet Nam, returned to the World to become an agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigations. On the verge of retirement, the events of September 11th, 2001, led him to take stay with the FBI as a member of its liason branch with the Department of Homeland Security, specializing in dealing with domestic terrorist threats. |
Naja Kudumu is a doctoral student at City University, where she met and fell in love with Tony Hamilton. She is working on her PhD in political science; she also is an accomplished artist. As much as Tony is a genius with things digital and electrical, Naja has a master's touch with more traditional media. |
Amanda Farnsworth is Roger's older sister. She has travelled around the world for the past decade, working mostly as a freelance interpreter, relying on her fluency in at least two languages for every populated continent. An olympic-class swordswoman, she is also a skilled boxer, as well as something of a hot-head.... |